Does AHQuickAction menu work in a widget?


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I am working on a project for which I need a widget that mimics a behavior of the Google Search Widget. In that widget, tapping the Google logo drops a menu much like a AHQuickAction menu.

I get a compile error in the imgview click event handler - "Undeclared variable 'imgView1' is used before it was assigned any value"

In case there is a problem with my own code, I reconstructed the scenario using known good code.

I started with the sample in Erel's Android home screen widgets tutorial - part II post (quote of the day widget) and added to it the code from corwin42's AHQuickAction library - Nice looking popup menus example, including the res folder.

Then, to the imgNext_Click sub in Erel's code, I added to pop the menu when the image is tapped - this is where the compile error occurs, imgNext does not resolve.

If anybody can shed some light on this for me, I'd very much appreciate it...
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