Android Question Does anybody work with biometric signature?


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I was asked by a customer of mine to sign a PDF document on screen. A few Android's have the capability to discriminate the strength of the pression on screen.
I have seen web based solutions, but I don't want to solve a problem creating another !
Does anybody succeded in handling such a task?

Thank you


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Hi Erel, Thank you again.
As you know the pressure sensor is one of the feature needed to implement such a system. I have already written a complete framework to achieve that. I have to buy an Asus Tablet with Z-Stilus, which is the best solution to get pressure in 1024 steps.
In the past I based my pjts on unusual devices, which went off production in a few months leaving me with no way to deploy them.
What I meant was that I'm looking for a widelly distributed tablet device capable of discriminating a whide range of pressures.
Have a nice week!
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Hello Erel, its posible sorry by my english,

existe alguna librería para utilizar el lectro biométrico de los celulares, esto para fines tales como
marcación de horarios móviles, ejecución de alguna App, o validación de usuarios (login and password )
best regard
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At work (insurance) we have "certified pads". It's more a legal thing (the device has to be certified, blabla, the data has to be stored 5 billion years and must be "shown" if needed f.e. at a court). So far we don't have any complains but... Some german lawyers see it as "not 100% valid" to sign a contract (due to German laws) but ok to sign less important things. So its not that easy...
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Yesterday I went to my main bank and signed on the tablet for the first time. Here the biometric sign is legal, at least they made it legal to help banks(poor things). As an od IT man(44 years) I think that it's not a safe tech... They use a very good tablet, giving a smooth sign. On Android it's not simple to get strength and speed of signing, so I thinl that a legal sign cannot be achieved.
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By the way, I love to comunicate with PHP from Android...
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