Does "Log" truncate?


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Longtime User
In debugging, I am writing a longish string (100s of chars) to the log:
i.e. Log("s=" & s1)

But when I view the line in the Log tab, it is severely truncated!

My problem/error, or B4a?



Licensed User
Longtime User
Yes, it is truncated although I don't know how many characters it can hold.

I also fell into that trap being sure there was something wrong with my code.
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Licensed User
Longtime User

A great addition to the IDE would be the ability to Copy a variable value when stopped at a breakpoint (via Ctrl-C/right-mouse)... like Visual Studio - I use it all the time, esp. for long strings.

Even better would be to be able to edit it, too (again like VS)

In the interim, I'll use your suggestion to write it out to a file... Tx
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Problem - I"m writing the string, but I can't find the resulting file!

I'm currently only using an emulator, so I assume that the written file is somewhere beneath either the application folders or the andriod sdk fofders... but a full search of my computer has produced nothing!

Where do the File: directories map to (on the connected PC) when using an emulator?

e.g. File.WriteString(File.DirInternal , "X.xml", s1)
File.WriteString(File.DirDefaultExternal, "X.xml", s1)
File.WriteString(File.DirRootExternal, "X.xml", s1)
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