iOS Question Does SQlite have search ranking like BM25


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As the title asks I would like to display records with best match first.
Dor searching for tree words would return exact matches first, then search for each word etc.


B4X founder
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Apparently fts5 is available in iOS. You can see it with this code:
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
    Root = Root1
    Dim sql As SQL
    sql.Initialize(File.DirDocuments, "test", True)
    Dim cr As ResultSet = sql.ExecQuery("PRAGMA compile_options")
    Do While cr.NextRow
    sql.ExecNonQuery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS posts")
    sql.ExecNonQuery($"CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE posts
                        USING FTS5(title, body)"$)
    sql.ExecNonQuery($"INSERT INTO posts(title,body)
                    VALUES('Learn SQlite FTS5','This tutorial teaches you how to perform full-text search in SQLite using FTS5'),
                    ('Advanced SQlite Full-text Search','Show you some advanced techniques in SQLite full-text searching'),
                    ('SQLite Tutorial','Help you learn SQLite quickly and effectively')"$)
    Dim rs As ResultSet = sql.ExecQuery($"SELECT *
                    FROM posts 
                    WHERE posts MATCH 'text' 
                    ORDER BY rank"$)
    Do While rs.NextRow
        Log(rs.GetString2(0) & ": " & rs.GetString2(1))
End Sub

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