Android Question Does Webview have a writable cache


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I am using webview to display a received email but can't get the imbedded images to display.
I have saved the HTML body of the email into a file in my Temp_Folder.
I have decoded and saved all attachments into the same Temp_Folder using their original names given in the email.
I tried opening the HTML file using

dim HTMLview as WebView
HTMLview.Loadurl("file://" & Temp_Folder & "/HTMLview.html")

I get the html text displayed perfect with all formatting.
But the image objects are shown as blank rectangles containing (?).

Does Webview have a Cache?
Can I write my files into it?
Can I direct WebView to my Temp_Folder?

Any help, please?


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How are the images are referenced in the html text?
I've been doing more investigation.
They are actually referanced in the html using a "content-id" not the filename.
eg. cid:image123.jpg@01ade.128dbc

and the attachment itself carries that content-id, as well as the usual filename.
"name = image123.jpg"
"content-id = [EMAIL]image123.jpg@01ade.128dbc"[/EMAIL]

I am looking into it further.
I think the image files may need to be named using the content-id.
or, the html may need to be altered to referance the filename not content-id.

The webview, I assume uses the html file directory path as a default related file path.
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