iOS Question Donde se declaran las variables GLOBALES para ser usadas en toda la aplicacion


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Longtime User

Donde se declaran las variables GLOBALES para ser usadas en toda la aplicacion

Es decir SI DECLARO variables en el MAIN no las puedo utilizar en un B4XMainPage..

La idea es poder utilizarlas como valores en toda la aplicacion en cualquier lugar en que la ocupe..


Licensed User
Longtime User
In B4i if you declare your variables in Process Globals in code modules they are declared in the whole application. That is "Main" and other code modules.

Edit - Also make sure you have declared them as Public in order to be able to use the variables in Main.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
In B4i if you declare your variables in Process Globals in code modules they are declared in the whole application. That is "Main" and other code modules.

Edit - Also make sure you have declared them as Public in order to be able to use the variables in Main.

Gracias / Tanks
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