Sorry Erel for my clumsiness, next time I will use a new tread... The thing is I would like use de Hekkus library (Thanks Louis and Erel for this great library) to play a sound just while a hey is pressed: From keydown (the sound start) to Keyup event (the sound strop). Maybe is an stupid question, but I don't know how get that...
Sorry you can't do it with a textbox.
Try this:
obj is an Object, eventKey... is Events.
Sub App_Start
End Sub
Sub eventKeyDown_NewEvent
obj.Value = eventKeyDown.Data
form1.Text = obj.GetProperty("KeyCode") & " is down"
End Sub
Sub eventKeyUp_NewEvent
form1.Text = "Key Up"
End Sub
Hello Erel,
is it possible to use the BindingContext property of an control to bind datas of a SQLite-Table e.g. to that control, with door libary and if so, how??
Many properties and methods which are available in the full .Net Framework aren't available in the .Net Compact Framework.
As you can see in this page: TreeView Members (System.Windows.Forms)
The Sorted property doesn't have the small device icon and therefore not included in the .Net CF.
I am afraid that M. Alzheimer has joined me, I really didn't remember this.
Anyway I am somewhere glad that I reinvented that wheel on my own in playing with the Door library.
The 'funny' thing is that I asked you for that at that time. I remembered something but not this.
is there a way to use the Door library to make sure that the minimixebox is not showing (i need to make sure that the app will have the "x" button on the top right hand not the minimizebox)
i know that Formlib can do that, but i'm interested in doing it using the Door library if it is possible.
a code example will be a perfect to answer to my question
Please, help me with such question:
How to get values of fields from structure properties of control/form?
For example, Control.Font.Size, Control.Font.Name, e.t.c.
Actually you can't do any more with a Font in the Compact Framework than is already exposed by the Control itself (Size) and the FormLib library (Name and Style).