Android Question Double Menu

This time not Erel, I'm not a beginner anymore I've already worked with it.

This is an example:
For i = 0 To ListWifi.Size -1
        clv1.Add(CreateListItem($"Item #${i}"$, clv1.AsView.Width, 180dip), 143dip, $"Item #${i}"$) '18ß
        If Main.language = english Then
            btn_choose.Text = "Choose"
            btn_delete.Text = "Delete"
            lbl_name.Text = "Name:"
            lbl_ip_adress.Text = "IP-Adress:"
            lbl_wifi_name.Text = "Wifi Name:"
         End If
        lbl_name_add.Text=    ListName.Get(i)
        lbl_ip_adress_add.Text = ListIP.Get(i)
        lbl_wifi_name_add.Text = ListWifi.Get(i)

this is the input for 1 row
lbl_name_add.Text=    ListName.Get(i)...

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
This time not Erel, I'm not a beginner anymore I've already worked with it.

This is an example:
For i = 0 To ListWifi.Size -1
        clv1.Add(CreateListItem($"Item #${i}"$, clv1.AsView.Width, 180dip), 143dip, $"Item #${i}"$) '18ß
        If Main.language = english Then
            btn_choose.Text = "Choose"
            btn_delete.Text = "Delete"
            lbl_name.Text = "Name:"
            lbl_ip_adress.Text = "IP-Adress:"
            lbl_wifi_name.Text = "Wifi Name:"
         End If
        lbl_name_add.Text=    ListName.Get(i)
        lbl_ip_adress_add.Text = ListIP.Get(i)
        lbl_wifi_name_add.Text = ListWifi.Get(i)

this is the input for 1 row
lbl_name_add.Text=    ListName.Get(i)
        lbl_ip_adress_add.Text = ListIP.Get(i)
        lbl_wifi_name_add.Text = ListWifi.Get(i)

How is it then with 2 columns? Since I have 2 panels next to each other and in the 2nd panel the labels would be different?
Or can I call the labels the same as in the 1st panel?


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