B4J Question Download a file with progressbar


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I want to download a file using OkHttpUtils2 and display a progressbar while downloading.

And once the download is complete save the file to the harddrive.

How would you do this?


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@xulihang That post is more than 6 years old. DownloadService is depricated and no longer compatible with the latest jOkHttpUtils2 standard. It causes a conflict.

Here's a code I started. Someone can modify it to meet the new requirements with a download que.

Requires Library:
jOKHttpUtils2 v2.80+

Process Globals


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and can be safely used

How can the older service modules for the progress bar and the latest OkHttpUtils2 library be added at the same time? It generated an error message saying the library is allready added. Thereby my post. Please provide a working example that we all can follow.
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A source code example would be nice that displays options to download any of the latest B4X products and displays the current available version. Downloaded with a progressbar of course
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