Drag & Drop Views in Designer


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WISH: Drag & Drop Views in Designer

I was in the process of asking for help regarding being able to move views from one panel to another without having to delete/remake them but then I realized that I could change the Parent property and this solved my problem. Thank you for this functionality. It was going to be a troublesome amount of rework if I had to delete and remake every view - just because I wanted to put them in a different panel.

My suggestion is to be able to drag a view from one panel and drop it into another container, the way that VB does it.

PS: Thanks for a great product, I'm becoming more and more comfortable and efficient with it.
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Dave O

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Found myself wishing for this lately too.

@Erel , our UI work would be more rapid if we could drag and drop views in the designer's lefthand tree view, both to re-parent them and (more importantly) to change their Z order.

Bring To Front and Send To Back work, but using them is tedious if you have a lot of views. If drag-and-drop isn't feasible, even adding buttons (or context menu items) for Bring Forward and Send Back would be a big help.
