'Draws a rouded Rectangle
'x = left coordinate of the surrounding rectangle
'Y = top coordinate of the surrounding rectangle
'Width = width coordinate of the surrounding rectangle
'Height = height coordinate of the surrounding rectangle
'ArcWidth = corner arc width
'ArcHeight = corner arc height
'Color = fx.Colors.Color
'Filled True Filled, False only the line
'Stroke = line width, has no effect when Filled = True
Public Sub DrawRectRounded(MyCanvas As Canvas, x As Double, y As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, ArcWidth As Double, ArcHeight As Double, Color As Paint, Filled As Boolean, LineWidth As Double)
Private joCanvas, joGraph As JavaObject
joCanvas = Canvas
joGraph = joCanvas.RunMethod("getGraphicsContext2D", Null)
If Filled = False Then
joGraph.RunMethod("setStroke", Array As Object(Color))
joGraph.RunMethod("setLineWidth", Array As Object(LineWidth))
joGraph.RunMethod("strokeRoundRect", Array As Object(x, y, Width, Height, ArcWidth, ArcHeight))
joGraph.RunMethod("setFill", Array As Object(Color))
joGraph.RunMethod("fillRoundRect", Array As Object(x, y, Width, Height, ArcWidth, ArcHeight))
End If
End Sub