I IgorSlavuta New Member Feb 21, 2013 #1 Sorry for my English. I am Russian. In the example it is impossible to rotate the arrow (GIF format).:signOops: Help please. Attachments mpsz.zip 317.8 KB · Views: 270
Sorry for my English. I am Russian. In the example it is impossible to rotate the arrow (GIF format).:signOops: Help please.
Erel B4X founder Staff member Licensed User Longtime User Feb 21, 2013 #2 There is an example of a compass in the Beginner's guide: Basic4android (Basic for Android) - Android programming with Gui designer Upvote 0
There is an example of a compass in the Beginner's guide: Basic4android (Basic for Android) - Android programming with Gui designer
W wheretheidivides Active Member Licensed User Longtime User Feb 21, 2013 #3 This example is of a compass. It is not for beginners and does not explain anything about a canvas. It is an advanced tutorial on how to do a compass, which is what you need here. Now if they would write a beginner's tutorial on canvas' Upvote 0
This example is of a compass. It is not for beginners and does not explain anything about a canvas. It is an advanced tutorial on how to do a compass, which is what you need here. Now if they would write a beginner's tutorial on canvas'
Erel B4X founder Staff member Licensed User Longtime User Feb 22, 2013 #4 Graphics and canvas are covered in Chapter 15. You should specifically see the RotatingNeedle example. Upvote 0
Graphics and canvas are covered in Chapter 15. You should specifically see the RotatingNeedle example.