iOS Question Drawing line in canvas


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I am drawing 2 lines on a panel like this,

Dim CanvasHolder As Canvas
    CanvasHolder.DrawLine(10, 10, 10, Panel2.Height - 20, Colors.RGB(127,176,0), 1)   
    CanvasHolder.DrawLine(10, Panel2.Height - 20, Panel2.Width - 20, Panel2.Height - 20, Colors.RGB(127,176,0), 1)

I would like to Draw the 2 line on another 10 panels. Is there a way to do tihs smart without duplicating the code 10 times.

Another problem is if I ex. have a button on the panel with the lines, the refresh redraws the button so i appars 2 times.

Is there a way to prevent this or do I have to but the button on another panel,

Thanks Mogens


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Sub DrawLinesOnPanel(pnl As Panel)
 Dim CanvasHolder AsCanvas
 CanvasHolder.Initialize(pnl )
 CanvasHolder.DrawLine(10, 10, 10, pnl .Height - 20, Colors.RGB(127,176,0), 1) 
 CanvasHolder.DrawLine(10, pnl .Height - 20, pnl .Width - 20, pnl .Height - 20, Colors.RGB(127,176,0), 1)
End Sub

Add another panel to each of the panels and draw on the added panel.
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