Bug? drawing panel on tabhost and canvas

Tommy h

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi all,

We may have found problems using b4a

1) If you use the ' android:targetSdkVersion="14" ' and if you set the disegner at 100%x and 100%y , the panel will not take full screen. So, if you unset the ' android:targetSdkVersion="14" ', the resizing will work correctly.

Is there a way to make it work correctly?

2) In ' Canvas ' object, if you set a panel's colour from the designer and you try to draw something like a line, the line will work correctly, instead, if you set a panel's colour from the source code, the line will not work.

Attached here you can find a little sample code to reproduce the issues


  • TabHost Problem Sample.zip
    371.2 KB · Views: 179

Tommy h

Licensed User
Longtime User
of course I've commented tabhost extras lines and problem persist when you are on landscape panel doesn't draw correctly and I can't reload layout to make it works.


  • TabHost Problem.zip
    13.7 KB · Views: 171

Tommy h

Licensed User
Longtime User
We'd like to use all available spaces.
Overall in landscape mode cutting even few pixels reduce a lot of space for user interface.

Using anchors (first image) the results is only for eyes, only tabbar bottom border is higher than normal.
(Seems draw correctly but panel on TAB2 has the same dimension of TAB1, but there is other pixels available!)


Tommy h

Licensed User
Longtime User
Ok Erel Thanks you, in designer when landscape I can use a variable with +7dip instead of 100%y for drawing controls using all the available space.
Thank you for your support
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