Drawing text


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while drawing text in canvas , x position and y position should be expressed with word "dip" . what is this dip ? why should be this used ? Why should not we use only integer or float values(20,20,....):sign0085:


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It doesn't have to, you can use only integers, but the dip means automatic adjustment to the size of the display so it will accomodate to different types of devices.
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use dips on emulator, code, everywhere?

I use the emulator using resolution 240x400, density 120 (WQVGA400)

my phisical device is samsng galaxyS, 480x800 (density??)

when I design views using the the emulator (so using absolute coords), everything is OK

... but when I define (example) the .left property of view by code... I become mad
If I don't use "dip", the effect is different between emulator and phisical device (different position)
If I use "dip", the screen size seems to be different, example if my screen is width=480, the .left= 240dip is not in the middle but on the right side

what is the correct way?
hoW to use dip having the emulator to behave like the code "using dips"?
I mean: coord 240,400 should be always the exact centre of the screen, on the emulator, using code and on the phisical device (device 240x400 OR 480x800)

thank you
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The galaxy S density is 240 (scale = 1.5).
1dip = 1 pixel if density = 160 (base density).

You can work with the standard size emulator which is 320x480 density 160 (scale = 1).
Or if you want the layout to fix your device exactly and still use scale=1 then create an emulator with screen size of 320x533 density 160.
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emulator vs code

... so this way I will have the emulator behave like my real physical device.

during design on the emulator should I use "absolute" coords?
if I see that the center screen is 50,50
- on the emulator I say "draw button at 50,50"
- using code I say "move button to 50dip,50dip"? (and it will not move?) or "move button to 50,50"?

the emulator does not permit to use the "dip" parameter, so I get confused when I create views on the emulator and then I need to move them by code...

I don't want to write a program that will look correctly only on "that" device...

thank you again
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