lists all Files in the Dropbox. In my version the resultevent gives the latest Cursor in the Error value...
In my tests the given Cursor was a 750 Bytes long unique string.
You need to know/remember the dropboxId of the account you are actually using/requesting. And the latest cursor.
to get the current Account.
Sub dbxUsers_getCurrentAccount(account As FullAccount)
kvs.Put("AccountID",account.AccountId) ' This is the ID of the Dropbox used. We want to track them so we need to remember this ID.
Dim acc As String = account.Name
Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim root As Map = parser.NextObject
Dim abbreviated_name As String = root.Get("abbreviated_name")
Dim familiar_name As String = root.Get("familiar_name")
Dim surname As String = root.Get("surname")
Dim given_name As String = root.Get("given_name")
Dim display_name As String = root.Get("display_name")
Log("Name? "&display_name)
'Log("Name? "&acc.Get("display_name"))
ListFolder results in an Event. The Lastest Cursor is used in the error-Value.
Sub dbxFiles_listFolder(success As Boolean, content As List, error As String)
Log($"dbxFiles_listFolders(${success}, ${content.Size}, ${error.Length} -> ${error})"$)
If error.Length = 750 Then
Log("Cursor to KVS")
kvs.Put("LatestCursor_"&loggedUserID,error) ' loggedUserID must contain the AccountID
End If
If content.Size > 0 Then
For i = 0 To content.Size-1
'Dim meta As Metadata = content.Get(i)
End If
End Sub
At appstart(or when authentiucated to Dropbox) you now can use the latest stored Cursor and get the latest content (new Method in v0.42)
If kvs.ContainsKey("LatestCursor_"&loggedUserID) Then
Dim latest As String = kvs.Get("LatestCursor_"&loggedUserID)
Log("Latest Cursor = "&latest)
End If
This results in a Event (new too)
Sub dbxFiles_ListFolderContinue(content As List, cursor As String)
Log($"dbxFiles_ListFolderContinue(${content.Size}, ${cursor})"$)
If content.Size > 0 Then
For i = 0 To content.Size-1
Dim meta As Object = content.Get(i)
If GetType(meta) = "com.dropbox.core.v2.files.FileMetadata" Then
Dim filemeta As FileMetadata = meta
Log($"FileMeta ${filemeta.Name}, ${filemeta.PathDisplay}"$)
else if GetType(meta) = "com.dropbox.core.v2.files.FolderMetadata" Then
Dim foldermeta As FolderMetadata = meta
Log($"FolderMeta ${foldermeta.Name}, ${foldermeta.PathDisplay}"$)
else if GetType(meta) = "com.dropbox.core.v2.files.DeletedMetadata" Then
Dim deletedmeta As DeletedMetadata = meta
Log($"DeletedMeta ${deletedmeta.Name}, ${deletedmeta.PathDisplay}"$)
End If
End If
Log("LatestCursor to KVS")
End Sub
As you can see here the result is parsed into different Objects as there may be different ones in the Result. DeletedMetadata is btw a new Object i wrapped to match the requirements here.
At the end the given Cursor (it is a new latest cursor) the cursor is updated in the kvs.
This Event tells you the latest changes.
I did the tests in my b4j version of the wrapper and in my b4j example. It looks good i think.
I expect it to work the same in the B4A Version. Note that i need to Update both and release them (not yet done).