Dropbox Sync Library


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No, that depends not on the IDE - its a "pure" permission problem


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If the file have NETWORK write permission, it sholdn't be a problem to set the FILE readonly attribute.


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Thats right, but AFAIK he wrote about a company server where he didnt has full access to and cant change that, too.
Furthermore I can't get the file "value/string.xml" readonly permissions, it's on our companies fileserver, I didn't have permissions to change the permisssions. After compiling the files will be deleted.


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I'm using the NETWORK Permissions, the FILE attribute will be ignored on the Fileserver.
Furthermore there's no Attribute on Folder level, so it delete Folder and File while compiling.


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Hi Erel,

I have upgraded B4A to 3.80, now I can add ressources. But I got the following errors:

  • If I Add the Ressources Folder inside my Project Ressources Folder:

    I got the Error Message while compiling and the Folder will be deleted anyway:
    Generating R file. Error
    ERROR: resource directory 'G:\DATEN\Software\MDE\Objects\res\values' does not exist

  • If I Add the Ressources Folder outside my Project Folder:

    The Compilers keeps the Folder untouched, but I got this Error:
    Generating R file. Error
    invalid resource directory name: D:\AndroidApps\values/strings.xml



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Must they be set as READONLY ?

And did you have a look at the "\" "/" in


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On Network Volume G:\ the READONLY property will be ignored.

On Local Volume (outside Project folder), it adds "/strings.xml" automatically to the Path.
If used Project Property to add the following Path: #AdditionalRes: D:\AndroidApps\values


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Thanks, compiling is now possible.
If I open the Activity, I get now the following Error:



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Yes, I forgot to upgrade the dropbox-sync-sdk-android.jar file too.

After Upgrading I get next error:

First installation and usage of Dropbox Sync was so easy, I can't understand why does the upgrade makes so much trouble...


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Meanwhile I updated to B4A V3.80, copied the Projektsource to local HDD Volume (instead of Network ressource) and created the resourcefile as described, but I get the same error.

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