Dropbox Sync Library


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The line you miss exists in Manifest, it's line 11:

I moved the line to Top, but it's the same error.


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Oh yes, I'm so stupid. That sounds really obvious...

Thank you so much. Sometimes you have to leave home to find it.


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Hi there, I got DropBox Problems again...

If I click Button1 then "Sync Click" will be written to Log.
But neither Loginform opens nor Sub Manager_AccountReady will be startet... no Log, no Errormessage, nothing!

Which name must be set in strings.xml, the Package Name or something else?

Sub Process_Globals
  Private manager As DbxAccountManager
  Private DropBoxAppKey As String = "a"
  Private DropBoxAppSecret As String = "b"   
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
  If FirstTime Then
    manager.Initialize(DropBoxAppKey, DropBoxAppSecret, "manager")   
  End If   
End Sub

Sub Button1_Click
  Log("Sync Click")
End Sub

Sub Manager_AccountReady (Success As Boolean)
  Log("Dropbox Login erfolgt ("& Success &")")
End Sub


Well-Known Member
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It should appaer after manager.linkaccount call.
Init was done before, so it should work.
Checked your keys triple ?


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How can i have me app check to see if dropbox is already linked or not? I dont want to display a link dropbox button if its already linked...


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Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)

  If FirstTime Then
    manager.Initialize(DropBoxAppKey, DropBoxAppSecret, "manager")
  End If
End Sub
Sub Manager_AccountReady (Success As Boolean)
  Log("Dropbox Login erfolgt ("& Success &")")
End Sub

The DropBox page appears ONLY the very first time, then never again.


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Hi Erel, you may be able to connect to dropbox without fail amail and enter the password?

thank you


Well-Known Member
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The very first time you (or an user) use the app you HAVE TO enter these.
After that not again.


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Hi thanks for your reply, what I intend to make an application for sharing photos of birds as we are an ornithological association and what we want is that other associations can view photos of our birds peri whether to give the data to connect the first time the project has no sense since anyone with the key can access dropbox has no lack of the application we want to develop
The application will be free

thank you


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Hi. I am using version 3.0 with no problems. But when you install the app on a samsung galaxy tab GT-P100, version 2.2., To make managerDBX.Initialize (keyDBX, secretDBX, "managerDBX"), the application breaks.

Sorry my bad english. ( google translator ).


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Longtime User
No error logs, the app to reach managerDBX.Initialize, remains on hold until the message appears unresponsive APPLICATION.
does not word. phone galaxy GT-I9000 firmware 2.2


Licensed User
Longtime User
tested in phone galaxy I900 firmware 2.2 and tablet galaxy tab GT-P100 firmware 2.2

** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
Default buffer size used in BufferedInputStream constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k buffer is required.
Could not find method android.app.ActivityManager.getLargeMemoryClass, referenced from method com.dropbox.sync.android.CoreAndroidUtil.getLargeMemoryClass
VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2205: Landroid/app/ActivityManager;.getLargeMemoryClass ()I
VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x000e
VFY: dead code 0x0011-0011 in Lcom/dropbox/sync/android/CoreAndroidUtil;.getLargeMemoryClass (Landroid/content/ContextI
DexOpt: couldn't find field Landroid/content/res/Configuration;.screenHeightDp
VFY: unable to resolve instance field 2349
VFY: replacing opcode 0x52 at 0x000e
VFY: dead code 0x0010-0057 in Lcom/dropbox/sync/android/CoreAndroidUtil;.getScreenSize (Landroid/content/ContextLjava/lang/String;
VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Lcom/dropbox/ledger/android/Ledger
GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 3562 objects / 221208 bytes in 33ms
VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Lcom/dropbox/ledger/android/Ledger
Could not find method com.dropbox.ledger.android.Ledger.newBuilder, referenced from method com.dropbox.sync.android.CoreAccountManager.initLedger
VFY: unable to resolve static method 5870: Lcom/dropbox/ledger/android/Ledger;.newBuilder ()Lcom/dropbox/ledger/android/Ledger$Builder;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x71 at 0x0010
VFY: dead code 0x0013-01f6 in Lcom/dropbox/sync/android/CoreAccountManager;.initLedger ()Lcom/dropbox/ledger/android/Ledger;
VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Lcom/dropbox/ledger/android/Ledger
VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Landroid/app/Fragment
Could not find method android.app.Fragment.getActivity, referenced from method com.dropbox.sync.android.CoreAccountManager.startLink
VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2241: Landroid/app/Fragment;.getActivity ()Landroid/app/Activity;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0009
VFY: dead code 0x000c-0028 in Lcom/dropbox/sync/android/CoreAccountManager;.startLink (Landroid/app/Fragment;I)V
VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Landroid/support/v4/app/Fragment
Could not find method android.support.v4.app.Fragment.getActivity, referenced from method com.dropbox.sync.android.CoreAccountManager.startLink
VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2720: Landroid/support/v4/app/Fragment;.getActivity ()Landroid/support/v4/app/FragmentActivity;
VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0009
VFY: dead code 0x000c-0028 in Lcom/dropbox/sync/android/CoreAccountManager;.startLink (Landroid/support/v4/app/Fragment;I)V
Prepared cache dir '/data/data/Com.Gebial/app_DropboxSyncCache/ma7f8wulr6e7sy1'.
Trying to load lib /data/data/Com.Gebial/lib/libDropboxSync.so 0x4817e3d8
Timer 0x3->0x3|0x0
Output standby called!!. Turn off PCM device.
ID[0]=0(0) Dn(0=>1)
Dsptch > Window{482e9ec0 Com.Gebial/Com.Gebial.main paused=false}
ID[0]=0(0) Up(1=>0)
Timer 0x3->0x3|0x0
Launch timeout has expired, giving up wake lock!
Activity idle timeout for HistoryRecord{484733d8 Com.Gebial/.main}
Key dispatching timed out sending to Com.Gebial/Com.Gebial.main
Previous dispatch state: {{KeyEvent{action=0 code=82 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=158 mFlags=8} to Window{482aa9d0 Com.Gebial/Com.Gebial.main paused=true} @ 1409299337952 lw=Window{482aa9d0 Com.Gebial/Com.Gebial.main paused=true} lb=android.os.BinderProxy@4833ca68 fin=false gfw=true ed=true tts=0 wf=true fp=false mcf=Window{482aa9d0 Com.Gebial/Com.Gebial.main paused=true}}}
Current dispatch state: {{null to Window{482e9ec0 Com.Gebial/Com.Gebial.main paused=false} @ 1409299917900 lw=Window{482e9ec0 Com.Gebial/Com.Gebial.main paused=false} lb=android.os.BinderProxy@484298f0 fin=false gfw=true ed=true tts=0 wf=false fp=false mcf=Window{482e9ec0 Com.Gebial/Com.Gebial.main paused=false}}}
GC_EXPLICIT freed 5353 objects / 370336 bytes in 177ms
GC_EXPLICIT freed 2736 objects / 188928 bytes in 132ms
Key dispatching timed out sending to Com.Gebial/Com.Gebial.main
Previous dispatch state: {{KeyEvent{action=0 code=82 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=158 mFlags=8} to Window{482aa9d0 Com.Gebial/Com.Gebial.main paused=true} @ 1409299337952 lw=Window{482aa9d0 Com.Gebial/Com.Gebial.main paused=true} lb=android.os.BinderProxy@4833ca68 fin=false gfw=true ed=true tts=0 wf=true fp=false mcf=Window{482aa9d0 Com.Gebial/Com.Gebial.main paused=true}}}
Current dispatch state: {{null to Window{482e9ec0 Com.Gebial/Com.Gebial.main paused=false} @ 1409299932910 lw=Window{482e9ec0 Com.Gebial/Com.Gebial.main paused=false} lb=android.os.BinderProxy@484298f0 fin=false gfw=true ed=true tts=0 wf=false fp=false mcf=Window{482e9ec0 Com.Gebial/Com.Gebial.main paused=false}}}
Sending signal. PID: 4048 SIG: 3


Licensed User
Longtime User
Then , is not compatible with android < 3.
You can continue using dropboxsync version 1.25, or do not advise.
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