@Erel , but feel free to offer an opinion.
I am writing a Designer script extension that intercepts the MouseEntered And MouseExited events. I then want to pass these back to the developer in the LayoutModule so that other actions could be taken if required. The events could be anything, but these are the ones I am using at the moment.
Should I
1) Use the same Sub signature, e.g.
MouseEntered(EventData As MouseEvent)
and explain that the sender will have to be obtained a different way. I think this would be my preference.
2) Use a different Sub Signature. e.g
DSEMouseEntered(SourceView As B4XView, EventData As MouseEvent)
and pass the sender/Source View as a parameter.
3) Something else.
I think this is quite important as a point of design, and I don't want to go down the rabbit hole without consensus.