Hi have also looked at it and found the missing Im2.Image = Img.Comb...
and the same strange behaviour as corwin42.
It's the same strange behaviour with CombineImagesHorizontally.
As a workaround I added 2 standard non visible Image controls.
With these 2 it works. But don't know why.
This gives an error while accessing ImF.Image in ImF.FlipHorizontal(). If you put the ImS.New1 on top of the program there is no error. So I think the New1 Method of ImS makes some changes in global data structures of the class and destroys (parts) of the ImF object.
It seems to be dangerous to have more than one instance of ImageClass in one program. Unfortunately the source is not available so only Dimitris may look into it.
It seems to be dangerous to have more than one instance of ImageClass in one program. Unfortunately the source is not available so only Dimitris may look into it.
I've had a look with Reflector and the Bitmap is a static object that is nulled on New1 so as you say only one instance of ImageClass is possible . You can probably do most of what you want, but in a different way, with ImageLibEx. If you need something that is missing from it then I can probably add it for you.
Wow! I wake up and see it's a good morning because my problem has been solved.
Thank you guys...
Agraham: I'm probably going to be using the ImageLibEx to shrink some of my images. It would be nice if you added a combine method to ImageLibEx, just to have a library that does it all under one roof instead of having to use two different image libs in a project.
It would be nice if you added a combine method to ImageLibEx, just to have a library that does it all under one roof instead of having to use two different image libs in a project.
No need to! You can do it yourself with more control over the relative image placement. See the attachment, this is what dzIMage does to combine images. Also ImageLibEx can be merged but dzIMage can't.
I have a small problem...
Sometimes, on a screenshot the cursor 'busy' is visible (in picture centre). Why so can be?
I use following methods: ScreenCapture
The problem is not solved...
ImageLibEx - very good library, but the version for device saves only in JPEG, and me is necessary in BMP and GIF (PNG) too.
May be, somebody have sources dzImage Library and can comment code where to show waiting cursor?
What OS do you have ?
On my htc Touch HD WM6.1 I can save BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG files with the SaveImage function in the ImageLibEx library.
I remember with WM 2003 only BMP could be saved.
Interesting... In the help it's specified that only JPEG supported on device.
Now, I will create a test project and will try SaveImage function on my device.
In an earlier version of this library there was a 'DrawImage(target image, source image,x,y,width,height)' property which allowed an image to be pasted into another image. Has this capability been replaced with something else?