Android Question EAN-128 bar code decoding function (GS1-128)


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Hi, is there any library or function to extract the different sections of an ean-128 barcode?
In principle I only need the code, the lot and the quantity.
I don't need to read them, I need to decode them.

Thank you very much.


Licensed User
Longtime User
there is a spec. it's not difficult. you can do it all in b4a. look for this online and download:
GSCN_16_477_FNC1.pdf. i would post mine, but it's too big. it's out there, it's free.
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Hi, thanks, I already know the specs, I was asking in case someone has already made a function to extract the values or some library that does it.
Mostly so I don't reinvent the wheel.
Thank you very much.
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