edit PM post?


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Longtime User

why is it not allowed to edit PM posts?
Same reason as you cannot edit/erase a sent sms... nor a postal service sent letter/telegram... you have to send a new one with the corrections you want to make


Licensed User
Longtime User
Same reason as you cannot edit/erase a sent sms... nor a postal service sent letter/telegram... you have to send a new one with the corrections you want to make
why is it not allowed to edit SMS sended?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Same reason as you cannot edit/erase a sent sms... nor a postal service sent letter/telegram... you have to send a new one with the corrections you want to make
it's not the same. SMS is something that after it is sent is no more related to any user but here in a forum where everything is stored in a DB why not allow editing a PM?
are we trying to simulate a real scenario?
in real life we have limitations so those limits hold us from doing things but if we are able to do things why not allow it?

btw whatsapp allows deleting msg after they were sent it would also be cool if they allow to edit them.


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Longtime User
it's not the same. SMS is something that after it is sent is no more related to any user but here in a forum where everything is stored in a DB why not allow editing a PM?
A PM, as well as an SMS, is a direct message between 2 (or more) identifiable persons (or terminals). This opposes to a forum as the messages posted have no direct targeted destination. Any one on the forum can answer.
Let's exaggerate a bit...
If I post a thread saying something like "you son of a xxxx I am going to kxxx you", this cannot be used against me because I targeted no-one;
But, if I PM you the exact same phrase, I am targeting you and it can be used legally against me.
btw whatsapp allows deleting msg after they were sent it would also be cool if they allow to edit them.
Even SMS carriers allow you to delete sent messages... on Your device ONLY.
The terminal to wherever the message was sent still has it!
Same goes to whatsapp.


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Longtime User
The terminal to wherever the message was sent still has it!
Same goes to whatsapp.
in WhatsApp i can delete the message from the phone i sent it to as long as the user has not read the message. i don't think it is possible with real SMS.

i understand what you mean so basically it is not a limitation from the forum it is more to simulate a scenario. like a pm is something that is pointed to another person it is more personal so that is why we don't allow to edit it but in my opinion, it is wrong.

normally i type fast and with many mistakes. after i read the post i see all my writing mistakes and i want to fix them or i want to add something between the lines. with the option to edit my post it is simpler than start writing another post,


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The first private message you send is already sent to the user as an e-mail. Even if you edit it, he will be able to see the previous message from the mailm
IMHO, the original message should always be part of any edited message...
Editing a private message, to me, is like adding sugar to an already baked cake in which you had forgotten to add the sugar...
But hey, that's me.


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Longtime User
IMHO, the original message should always be part of any edited message...
Editing a private message, to me, is like adding sugar to an already baked cake in which you had forgotten to add the sugar...
But hey, that's me.
The original msg should arrive to you email


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