Android Question Editing variables from B4XPage


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Hi Everybody
here is my question:
- working with different B4X pages many time I need to check some variables value (declared in B4XMainPage) from others pages.

With the mouse pointer (while program is freezed on the break point) over Private Variables (declared inside the B4XPage) I can see the value but point on variables declared inside B4XMainPage (while I'm in others pages) I can't see anything.
The access to the variables declared in B4XMainPage is with B4XPages.MainPage.MyVariablesname

Where I'm wrong?


Well-Known Member
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It seems that in de IDE debug window you can only see the variables from the active page.
You can set a break point in the B4XMainPage just before the call to the other page so you can check the values up to that point.
The public variables from the B4XMainPage you can check with a log entry set in the right place of the active page using the access you described.
These are the possibilities available at the moment.
Maybe you can write a wish for an upgrade of the IDE environment...
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Licensed User
Longtime User
It seems that in de IDE debug window you can only see the variables from the active page.
You can set a break point in the B4XMainPage just before the call to the other page so you can check the values up to that point.
The public variables from the B4XMainPage you can check with a log entry set in the right place of the active page using the access you described.
These are the possibilities available at the moment.
Maybe you can write a wish for an upgrade of the IDE environment...
Hi Paul
Yes, I think there is no workaround...

Thank you
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Yes, I think there is no workaround...
I have the impression that a variable is not displayed if it is part of an expression like a reference to the other B4Xpage. However, the variable is displayed in the windows with all variables.

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