Edits to the AndroidManifest File


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello all,

In order to adapt an app to a non-standard platform (the WIMM smartwatch), I need to make some modifications to the AndroidManifest file. I've been trying to do that in the AndroidManifest editor in B4A, but I'm quite lost.

The WIMM platform requires me to do the following in the androidmanifest.xml file:
- Declare the WIMM framework by adding com.wimm.framework as the attribute of a uses-library child of the application element. Declare the minimum framework version by adding the wimm:minSdkVersion attribute.
- Declare the peekview layout file by adding @layout/peekview as the resource of a meta-data child of the element.

The problem is that I can't find the "application element" in my AndroidManifest. Any advice on how I might be able to create it, or otherwise include this code in my AndroidManifest? The peekview layout file is an additional XML layout file that I am adding (which I will probably also ask about on the forums later).

They provide the following sample code, with the comments to mark the above to additions:

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="7" />

    <application android:icon="@drawable/icon" 
        <uses-library android:name="com.wimm.framework"        'THIS LINE IS PART OF THE ADDED CODE
              wimm:minSdkVersion="1.0.2" />       'THIS LINE IS PART OF THE ADDED CODE
        <activity android:name=".StarterAppActivity"
        <meta-data android:name="com.wimm.app.peekview"        'THIS LINE IS PART OF THE ADDED CODE
                       android:resource="@layout/peekview" />        'THIS LINE IS PART OF THE ADDED CODE
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

Thanks a lot for your help! Once I figure out how to overcome this and a few other obstacles, I'm hoping to post a guide here on the forums about how to port B4A projects to the WIMM platform, for any novices like myself who might be interested in that.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you very much Erel, I hadn't found that, and it looks like it explains exactly what I was hoping to learn!

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