Recently, i created a search view and i have notice something strange with edittext box EditText1_TextChanged. By typing lower case "i" only in textbox will trigger the event twice? Most other characters that i tested triggers once. Strange?
Tested Samsung A53s Event triggered twice for multiple characters ( the New string did not alter)
After cleaning Samsung screen ... the issue is a lot less frequent, but ..
On each fresh debug run (abcde) , the "e" triggers event twice.
ps: I was focused on the "e" issue ..
I confirm also the "i" is triggering the event twice. 100% on fresh debug run , and occasionally during the same run.
Doesn't happen here. It is most probably related to the configured soft keyboard. A bit stretch but it might be related to special handling of i and upper casing it to I.
B4A simply listens for the underlying afterTextChanged event and raises it. So the bug is on a lower level.