Hi guys, :sign0104: asking..
how do i get the result from this?
how do i get each EditText value when i press save?
I've tried to call "name.Text", or "edittext1.text" but it seems the edittext haven't been initialized yet from the main module..
The only way i can get the value is by capturing the TextChanged event..
But this is not what i want, and it was a little bit slow..
Please Help
Sorry for my bad English, Hope you guys understand what i mean..
how do i get the result from this?
'This is the Main Module
Sub Process_Globals
End Sub
Sub Globals
Dim FormPanel As Panel
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Activity.Title = "Test Form"
Activity.AddView(FormPanel, 5%x, 5%y, 90%x, 90%y)
Dim FormList As List
'Label name, Hint, Initialize Name, Type
FormList.add(Array As String("Name :", "Your Name", "name", "text"))
FormList.add(Array As String("Address :", "Your Address", "address", "multitext"))
FormList.add(Array As String("Phone :", "Your Phone Number", "phone", "phone"))
FormList.add(Array As String("", "Clear", "Save", "button"))
Functions.PrintForm(FormList, FormPanel)
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub clearbtn_click
End Sub
Sub savebtn_click
End Sub
'Functions Code Module
Sub Process_Globals
End Sub
Sub PrintForm(FList As List, PNL As Panel)
Dim FEachHeight, FEachTop As Int
FEachTop = 15
For i = 0 To FList.Size - 1
Dim FEach() As String
FEach = FList.Get(i)
FEachHeight = 60
If FEach(3) = "button" Then
Dim BtnWidth, BtnLeft As Int
BtnWidth = (PNL.Width * 80 / 100) * 25 / 100
BtnLeft = PNL.Width * 20 / 100
For j = 0 To 2
If FEach(j) <> "" Then
Dim button1 As Button
Select FEach(j)
Case "Cancel"
Case "Clear"
Case "Save"
End Select
button1.Text = FEach(j)
PNL.AddView(button1, BtnLeft, FEachTop, BtnWidth, FEachHeight)
BtnLeft = BtnLeft + BtnWidth + 5
End If
FEachTop = FEachTop + FEachHeight + 10
Dim label1 As Label
Dim edittext1 As EditText
label1.Text = FEach(0)
label1.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL
label1.TextSize = 18
Select FEach(3)
Case "text"
edittext1.InputType = edittext1.INPUT_TYPE_TEXT
Case "multitext"
edittext1.InputType = edittext1.INPUT_TYPE_TEXT
edittext1.SingleLine = False
FEachHeight = 180
Case "phone"
edittext1.InputType = edittext1.INPUT_TYPE_PHONE
Case "number"
edittext1.InputType = edittext1.INPUT_TYPE_NUMBERS
End Select
edittext1.Hint = FEach(1)
PNL.AddView(label1, 0, FEachTop, PNL.Width*20/100, FEachHeight)
PNL.AddView(edittext1, PNL.Width*20/100, FEachTop, PNL.Width*80/100, FEachHeight)
FEachTop = FEachTop + FEachHeight + 10
End If
End Sub
how do i get each EditText value when i press save?
I've tried to call "name.Text", or "edittext1.text" but it seems the edittext haven't been initialized yet from the main module..
The only way i can get the value is by capturing the TextChanged event..
But this is not what i want, and it was a little bit slow..
Please Help
Sorry for my bad English, Hope you guys understand what i mean..
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