Android Question Embedded printer


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Hey guys
I need to print on a printer that comes attached to the equipment (for example: I even tried to import the JAR that the manufacturer made available, but I was unsuccessful.
B4A has several native libraries. Do you have any native or third-party libs for this functionality?
Thank you very much in advance for your help

Situ LLC

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Olle Marcelo.
Hay varias librerias blue T en el foro, Yo uso algo parecido y fijate que el algunas ocaciones tambien permien BT, de no ser asi nececitas el SDK para ver por que puerto trabaja y su configuracion .

Otras Trabajan con ID vendor y Id Product que poldria servirte ajustando algunas lineas de codigo simples.
Cualquier cosa podriamos buscar una solicion.
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New Member
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In this git: GS300 novo
There are JARs and an example of their use in Java.
Here: is the product manufacturer's page.
In the first post I put the URL for the TSG810, this git is for the GS300. Both are from GERTEC, the TSG810 is a mobile POS. The GS300 is a tabletop POS, it has more features than the other mobile device, such as a QR-code reader, two screens, USB and serial ports for connections to scales.
I need to develop for both. And any help I would be very grateful.

Thank you all in advance for your feedback
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