I try to safe data from a Edittext (multiline)
If the user fill nothing in that EditTextbox i give a message
If EditText.text = "" Then
Messagebox("Fill in the form", "Hello")
if the user press the enter key once or more times it place emty lines in my Edit textbox (and no more text)
The code "If EditText.text = "" Then" will not work (because EditText.text.Length give 1 or more
How can I set a Messagebox to a "visual" emty Edittextbox?
I try to safe data from a Edittext (multiline)
If the user fill nothing in that EditTextbox i give a message
If EditText.text = "" Then
Messagebox("Fill in the form", "Hello")
if the user press the enter key once or more times it place emty lines in my Edit textbox (and no more text)
The code "If EditText.text = "" Then" will not work (because EditText.text.Length give 1 or more
How can I set a Messagebox to a "visual" emty Edittextbox?