emulator - mediaplay stopped working


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Longtime User
Nov 25 2011
16:30 Hours

AVD was updated by Google and now mediaplayer does not work.

The app compiles properly and is installed on the emulator but there is no sound anymore.

The log shows

Unable to to create media player

MediaPlayer IOException: java.io.IOException: setDataSource failed.: status=0x80000000

bufferCount (4) is too small and increased to 12

Ray Tesluk :(
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Followed Erel's Advice

Nov 28 2011
01:05 Hours

You can delete this emulator instance and create a new one. I recommend you to use Android 2.2 (API 8). Erel

I did that and the second instance played sounds but when I closed the emulator and exited the AVD THEN ran the AVD AGAIN and brought up the second instance emulator again there was NO sound(s).

At least I can program on the emulator and also use designer then check the sound(s) on my real device (phone)

Ray :(
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Tried Again No Luck

Nov 28 2011
13:00 Hours

I unstalled eclipse (finally) and then android sdk again then rebooted and reinstalled just adroid sdk. Created a avd platform 2.2 level 8 and the sound(s) worked until I exited the avd and shut down Android Manager SDK and then started Android Manager SDK and fired up the avd and then there was no sound(s).

I believe this problem started 2 weeks ago when I installed platform 4.0 level 14. It could have been a coincedence.

I have NOT installed platform 4.0 level 14 since that time.

I do not know why I cannot get the sound function to work again except when I create a new avd.

Maybe somebody has found a workaround for this problem.

Also, I wonder if anybody else has had this occur to them.

Ray :(
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emulator-arm.exe has encountered a problem

Nov 28 2011
13:23 Hours

Now I get the

'emulator-arm.exe has encountered a problem'

problem again and again.

Does anybody in the B4A community have any ideas why this is happening to me?

How can you 'debug' this problem on a Xp Pro machine.

I am willing to try anything.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Ray Tesluk :(
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Longtime User
You're not alone Ray, I'm having similar problems with XP and since upgrading the SDK. I'm just hoping the next release solves it.

If I restart the PC, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Similarly if I remove the virtual device and create a new one, sometimes it works for a while.

I'm doing more of my testing on a real device, but I like to test apps on all possible configurations before releasing it, that may take some time.
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Possible WorkARound

Nov 29 2011
08:04 Hours

I think I found a workaround which is consistent - at least for awhile.

After firing up AVD Manager from Explorer OR through


which executes SDK Manager (SDK Manager.exe) and then go to AVD Manager from 'Tools'.

Select an avd and

1. UNCHECK Launch From Snapshot and

2. UNCHECK Save To Snapshot and maybe

3. CKECK Scale to real size to 7

then the avd is loaded and sound(s) are heard (present) consistantly.

You can use designer at this point also. (far easier tjen on the phone)

Sometimes but not as frequently emulator-arm.exe crashes unexpectedly but not enough though, so I can get some work done especially using the designer.

The coding I can do without the avd and then run the app on my phone.

It's better than nothing for the moment.

I also check for updates through SDK Manager.exe; however, I will NOT install version 4.0 level 14 which just corrupts the whole Android SDK on my machine. I know that Google is touting this version (4,0) as the next best thing since 'apple pie' but it's toxic on my machine.

Ray :(
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