I am using an EditText which is actually "off-screen" to capture (On EnterPressed) the serial number of an item. I then search through the database and if that serial number is found it will display the item, but it also gives the option to change some of the data (such as location and status of the item). Those fields require a software keyboard. When idle, I set focus back to the EditText that the scanner uses so it is ready to read another serial number.
The program did work the way I wanted it to but I had the problem of the program restarting and clearing the database changes every time the Bluetooth scanner would turn on/off which I was able to fix by adding the line:
SetActivityAttribute(Main, android:configChanges,"keyboard|keyboardHidden|navigation") to the Manifest. After editing the manifest, the scanner turning on/off did not affect the program restarting, but ever since then when I click on a text field to edit, the softkeyboard does not show up. Fixing one step at a time...
Do you really need an EditText for displaying the value of the scanner, couldn't you use a Label for that instead of an EditText?