

Well-Known Member
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Does anyone have experience with Android ePads? I'm looking for advice on cost effective epads that work on to which I can load apps. Thanks in advance.


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Don't know if it's the precise model, but we bought a Chinese-made ePad a few months ago, and it turned out to be a major disappointment. Very slow, and the touch screen was awful.
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James Moxham

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I bought one for $110 including shipping. It is slow surfing the net, the keyboard tests your patience and there is no bluetooth.

But on the positive side, it does work with an external standard USB keyboard, and it downloads and runs all the .apk apps, and it runs Basic4Android at around a million lines of code a second.

The apps are a bit hard to find as the "market" is actually many markets that are region coded. My regional market has hardly any apps. And it is quite hard to get apps from many websites as they want you to take a photo of those little square barcodes, and on my epad, that crashes the device (probably out of memory running two programs at once). So you have to search for apps that are .apk files that you can download and copy to an sd card. Sites exist if you go looking.

I got a few cool ones, eg pacman and a sound meter that displays a real time FFT on the screen.

Or (of course), you can write your own in Basic4Android.
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Browse the forum before posting, this type of issue has been discussed before...
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