Erel PC


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I want to change my PC
I just wondering if some of you can share there high config. Desktop PC (not laptop) for development (AMD or Intel...)
@Erel , yours ?


Can't wait to see my next utltra PC


Deleted member 103

I bought this PC on Ebay in 2014 as a used one.
Today it always works like the first day.

I have bought such PCs for all of the CAD department employees for the past 20 years at the company where I worked until last year.
These PCs ran day and night without any problems.


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SSD 1Tb; dual monitor 14' + 12'

Deleted member 103

Not thrilled to install this tool. I have bad memories related to CCleaner.
Speccy" is an additional tool, I would never install "CCleaner" either.


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I'm working with a 42'' monitor


your desk needs to be very far then, right?

i use 3 monitors. 22", 15.6" & 19" and for my mac i also have a 24" so if i make b4i apps i sometimes use all 4 screens. my neck doesn't like that much ?

Speccy" is an additional tool, I would never install "CCleaner" either.

i only installed it to make the screenshots as @PdeG did. i uninstalled it right after i did the screenshot. why are you against CCleaner? is not it a good app? actually, i was using it a lot but a few weeks ago i uninstalled it since i have Norton installed and there you also have a cleaner.

Deleted member 103

i only installed it to make the screenshots as @PdeG did. i uninstalled it right after i did the screenshot.
me too.
I didn't know this tool until yesterday.

why are you against CCleaner? is not it a good app?
I am against such a tool.
They are all just as harmful as all antivirus programs, which is why I've only been using Windows Defender since Windows 10.

PS. I will not be vaccinated against Covid-19 either. ;)


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your desk needs to be very far then, right?
No. I had three monitors (PC * 2 + Mac) and replaced them with a single large monitor, connected to both computers.

The main window is in the lower right side and the other parts are for the "secondary windows":



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In fact, I've seen a friend who works only now with a 42.5 inches Dell. It's right, when you are used windows, it seems better than multiple monitors.
And I think I will take that option