Erel tools


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Hi everyone,

Have seens Erel Tutorials which are always interesting

Just wondering which file explorer does he use is that tuto, see bellow

And also, if @Erel can share with us interesting tools he used




Deleted member 103

Hi everyone,

Have seens Erel Tutorials which are always interesting

Just wondering which file explorer does he use is that tuto, see bellow

And also, if @Erel can share with us interesting tools he used



View attachment 103141
Hi @imbault ,
do you want to try an alternative Windows Explorer? Then try Q-Dir, it is free for private and commercial use.


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I use Total Commander ( It has only two windows but supports ftp and synchronize folders option. Further more with right long click you can see the right click of explorer which supports everything needed like Git. It is shareware but works for lifetime with nag screen.


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It is shareware but works for lifetime with nag screen
And just to be clear, that's not an acceptable way of using it. (Assuming you live more than a month.)

"Total Commander for Windows is a Shareware (demo version) program. This means that you can test it for a period of 30 days. After testing the program, you must either order the full version, or delete the program from your harddisk."

The full version cost €37. (About USD 45)


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There is a free version of Total Commander: Double Commander. I tested it and it's a must!


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You are right. The work must be paid. I will buy it a.s.a.p. On the other hand think of this too. When I posted what I posted I advertised his program and a lot of people will try it and a percentage of it will buy it also. Right now I am on the complementary percentage but I am planning on passing to the complementary of the complementary.


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user should consider Double Commander instead because it does exactly the same for zero euros
I don't know (use) those tools; found this on italian Wikipedia:

Il programma è disponibile anche come applicazione portabile per Windows e Linux[4].

Dal momento che l'idea del programma deriva dalla struttura di Total Commander, molto spesso gli utenti fanno un confronto fra le caratteristiche dell'uno e dell'altro file manager.

Molte popolari funzioni di Total Commander non sono ancora state realizzate, fra cui: sincronizzazione delle cartelle[5], gestione delle categorie nella lista delle cartelle preferite, visualizzazione della struttura ad albero delle directory, interfacciamento con sistemi operativi o servizi online famosi, altre piccole migliorie o richieste di caratteristiche aggiuntive fatte da parte degli utenti sul forum ufficiale[6].


The program is also available as a portable application for Windows and Linux [4].

Since the idea of the program derives from the Total Commander structure, very often users make a comparison between the characteristics of one and the other file manager.

Many popular Total Commander functions have not yet been implemented, including: folder synchronization [5], managing categories in the list of favorite folders, viewing the directory tree, interfacing with popular operating systems or online services, other small ones improvements or requests for additional features made by users on the official forum [6].


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This was written in May 2019. Folder sync is implemented and, after a few tries, it seems a lot faster than the TC one.


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I used Opus but in the Amiga days, around 1990.
Now I just can’t do without Altap Salamander, a commander lookalike which became free just after I bought the license for it... but I’m glad I did since it’s really worth it.


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I did not knew about Double Commander or Altap Salamander.
Both looks like TC, so I will try them now.
Thanks for the info.




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After a quick look, I find that Altap Salamander has some unique features than TC. Interesting.


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