I have never heard of this error. But apparently there is some type of limit built into the compiler. Since you can not modify this upper limit in the compiler, my guess is that the only solution is to break it apart.
Curious, how many lines of code are in this "large" sub?
You could try breaking your try block into smaller blocks:
.. .code
… code
End Try
' next step
If Not(Error) Then
Error = True
End Try
End If
' And so on...
You can even eliminate the "If Not(Error)" if every catch block ends with a Return statement.
hi, I have a caompilation error: Compilazione del codice Java prodotto. Error javac 1.8.0_191 src\com\mamavi\slimup\ciclorisultante.java:13926: error: code too large public void resume(BA ba, Object[] result) throws Exception{ ^ 1 error I don't know what means I saw in the...
It is not that, it is not the time that it can take me ... if it is a well done and well structured code, I think that the system should not have that limitation.
But hey ... for now, although it will take much longer, I will use the legacy debugger.
That must be almost impenetrable to understand and debug! The old Smalltalk mantra was "smaller and more methods" which is a good working rule for most software.