Android Question Error compiling with B4A version 10


Licensed User
Longtime User
I just retry to compile and internal app that use the encryption and it give me an error that it can't find the library commons-codec.jar i thought i put it in my external lib folder but for some reasons that i can't remember it is not there anymore, I've been out of programming for the last 4 month, with b4A, i've updated my versions but i forgot to make a backup copy of the folder Basic4Android of the last version, so i lost that library, and i can't remember where that lib came from.

If someone knows where to find that lib. or where to download it please leave me a link so i can find it and try to recompile my app so that it will work with B4A Version (latest VERSION)



Licensed User
Longtime User
have you tried googling for it?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
It would appear it is connected to the use of SQLCipher library . see this .

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Licensed User
Longtime User
I downloaded the since i can't find the version 1.5 in a jar file only the source are downloadble , now since it is a zip file should i extract the zip to a specific folder and copy the content of that folder directly to external lib folder of the BasicAndroid folder external lib folder.

I kind of not shure anymore of what to do next, cant you lightup my little lantern as to what is the next procedure to include the commoncxxx jar in my compiling.

Thanks by the way for the link it seems that all the newer version are there, so if i need a different version i will know where to find it.
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