A very good dll
Dear Pachuquin,
I told you in my first post.... you have made a very nice wrapper.
I like it so much that i took the time starting to understand "how to make a library".
It is your library, so i want to ask you to have a look at "my extension". Do you like it? Or is it a little overkill?
But once again.... a very nice and useable wrapper!
public void WriteCell(int Col, int Row, string Value, bool IsText, bool Italian, bool Bold, bool Colourcell)
[/INDENT]_ExcelRng = (Excel.Range)_ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col];
if (IsText)
_ExcelRng.NumberFormat = "@";
_ExcelRng.NumberFormat = "#.##0,00;[Rood]-#.##0,00";
if (Italian)
_ExcelRng.Cells.Font.Italic = true;
_ExcelRng.Cells.Font.Italic = false;
if (Bold)
_ExcelRng.Cells.Font.Bold = true;
_ExcelRng.Cells.Font.Bold = false;
if (Colourcell)
_ExcelRng.Interior.ColorIndex = 34;
_ExcelRng.Interior.ColorIndex = 0;
_ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col] = Value;