I am trying to read xml file attached with this, it is found that it stops parsing at line no 20, not moving further, is there any problem with the code
and how to get the image path which is under media node under each item
Sub Parser1_EndElement (Uri As String, Name As String, Text As StringBuilder)
Dim media, pubdate As String
Dim jk As Int =Parser1.Parents.IndexOf("item")
If Parser1.Parents.IndexOf("item") > -1 Then
If Name="title" Then heading=Text.ToString
If Name="description" Then descr=Text.ToString
If Name ="link" Then linkd=Text.ToString
If Name="media" Then media=Text.ToString
If Name="pubdate" Then pubdate=Text.ToString
End If
'If k < 40 Then
If Name="title" AND heading <> "" Then
End If
If Name="link" Then
End If
'End If
End Sub
and how to get the image path which is under media node under each item