I'm doing an industrial project with 2 different Unitech scanners, both of which are running Windows CE, and .NET 2.0.7045.0. I want to keep the handheld scanner (model RH767) from suspending. I'm testing the Hardware library for that (v.3.55), and at the moment I'm just doing Form1.show, Hardware1.New1, then Msgbox with the dll and .net versions, and right after the Msgbox I do Hardware1.KeepAlive. I get a popup error:
Title: Basic4PPC
An error occurred on sub _main_app_start.
Can't find an Entry Point 'SHideTimerReset' in a PInvoke DLL 'avgshell.dll'.
I'm not using a timer - am I missing a DLL somewhere? I've added just Hardware.dll to the Device and HardwareDesktop.dll to the Desktop, added object Hardware1.
Thanks for suggestions.