- Upgraded mac to OSX Sierra and now have Xcode version 7.2.1
- The JDK version is, according to the control panel, Java 8 build 111 and it tells me this is the latest and correct version
>Build B4iBridge
B4i version: 3.50
Parsing code. (0.11s)
Compiling code. (0.22s)
Building designer app. (0.07s)
Building Xcode project (0.23s)
Sending data to remote compiler. Error
Error: security: SecKeychainDelete: The specified keychain could not be found.
(FileNotFoundException) java.io.FileNotFoundException: /Users/AccountOwner/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/fa04172b-c957-4b22-a4b8-c4d162ac2bcf/b4i.mobileprovision (No such file or directory)
Help Please I have a drop dead date on this project and I am beginning to feel a bit helpless.
The b4i.mobileprovision file is in the folder named my Uername(atXXXXX)
I only have a cursory understanding of the macOS.