I am getting the following error when I use the hosted builder upload. I use the Tools/BuildServer/Download Last Build. This gives me a tmp.zip and the ipa file. I have create an App-Specific password and when I select the tmp.zip it say "Invalid Archive File". When I select the IPA file it seems to work ok for a while then the following error appears;
Package Summary:
1 package(s) were not uploaded because they had problems:
/var/folders/35/nx43fs8567l9z_wvvpc35snh0000gn/T/D81B5F22-6335-45ED-A135-991BC1D0A1E2/1457214823.itmsp - Error Messages:
ERROR ITMS-90017: "This bundle is invalid. The IPA format requires a top-level directory named Payload, containing only a .app bundle and optional plugins in a Plugins directory."
2019-03-21 11:55:58.940 altool[16232:21361853] *** Error: Errors uploading '\\GRAEMEM-WIN8\Users\GRAEMEM\OneDrive - TC Industries, Inc\Apple IOS Programs\CYSSoccer\Objects\Soccer Stat App.ipa': (
"Error Domain=ITunesTransporterErrorDomain Code=-18000 \"ERROR ITMS-90017: \"This bundle is invalid. The IPA format requires a top-level directory named Payload, containing only a .app bundle and optional plugins in a Plugins directory.\"\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=ERROR ITMS-90017: \"This bundle is invalid. The IPA format requires a top-level directory named Payload, containing only a .app bundle and optional plugins in a Plugins directory.\", NSLocalizedDescription=ERROR ITMS-90017: \"This bundle is invalid. The IPA format requires a top-level directory named Payload, containing only a .app bundle and optional plugins in a Plugins directory.\", NSLocalizedFailureReason=ERROR ITMS-90017: \"This bundle is invalid. The IPA format requires a top-level directory named Payload, containing only a .app bundle and optional plugins in a Plugins directory.\"}"