You can't find the line directly but if you can put more than one ErrorLevel statement in your Sub vectoring to different labels to more precisely locate where the error occurred. Using B4PObject(6) and the Door library or my you can find out more details of the error. The help for the Exceptions library has a topic on error handling in Basic4pppc.
The default exception handling in an optimised compiled program does not show the error line. For debugging my includes a DebugRecompiler which can give the error line but you wouldn't use if for the final application because of the performance hit.
i know what will cause the error i am trapping for.
I am currently using a goto as a "resume next" but i wanted it a little more sophisticated in case of another error being triggered
Unlikely as Basic4ppc error handling is based upon how .NET handles errors, which is always by non-restartable Exceptions. See that help topic in the Exceptions library.