I get this error message when sending data via UDP.
The port is opened with this:
which does not cause a fault,
and the data is sent with this:
Target IP is set to "" (broadcast) and the port is 8899.
(I may add this code works under B4A)
Just found that a different method must be used to send broadcast packets, so I have changed the last line to:
but I am still getting error 49, whether I send to the broadcast address or the actual IP address of the target.
This looks similar to this issue:
The port is opened with this:
UDPSck1.Initialize( "UDPSck1", Port, 4096 )
and the data is sent with this:
Public Buffer() As Byte
c = "Test"
Buffer = c.GetBytes( "UTF8" )
Dim Packet As UDPPacket
Packet.Initialize( Buffer, TargetIP, Port )
UDPSck1.Send( Packet )
(I may add this code works under B4A)
Just found that a different method must be used to send broadcast packets, so I have changed the last line to:
If TargetIP = "" Then
UDPSck1.SendBroadcast( Packet )
UDPSck1.Send( Packet )
End If
This looks similar to this issue:
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