This is solved! Need to create before the App in App Store Connect.
But still there are many errors and logs. For now it is not clear to me, this are only logs about what is not so nice, or it really has to be fixed before the first release. So as I understand, I need another icon and some problems with date / time methodes in the code. Right? But what else?
Uploading ipa file.
Submitting app (this step can take several minutes to complete).
Error: 2018-11-30 09:15:24.611 altool[44355:11774320] 10.4-style NSDateFormatter method called on a 10.0-style formatter, which doesn't work. Break on _NSDateFormatter_Log_New_Methods_On_Old_Formatters to debug. This message will only be logged once.
2018-11-30 09:15:24.611 altool[44355:11774320] Error:
[2018-11-30 09:14:31 PST] <main> INFO: Transporter is searching for new software components.
[2018-11-30 09:14:33 PST] <main> INFO: Update check complete.
[2018-11-30 09:14:37 PST] <main> INFO: Logging level set to eXtreme
[2018-11-30 09:14:37 PST] <main> INFO: Logging configured successfully.
[2018-11-30 09:14:37 PST] <main> INFO: MD5 checksum calculation in the transporter will be skipped.
[2018-11-30 09:15:24 PST] <main> DBG-X: parameter ErrorCode = 1102
[2018-11-30 09:15:24 PST] <main> DBG-X: parameter SoftwareMediaDescriptionThresholds = {in-app-purchase-content={extensions=[pkg], size=100000000}, ccats={extensions=[pdf], size=100000000}, product-archive={extensions=[pkg], size=100000000}, developer-id-package={extensions=[zip, pkg, dmg], size=100000000}, bundle={extensions=[zip, ipa], size=100000000}, large-icon={extensions=[jpg, png, jpeg], size=100000000}}
[2018-11-30 09:15:24 PST] <main> DBG-X: parameter ErrorMessage = ERROR ITMS-90717: "Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in '' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel.
[2018-11-30 09:15:24 PST] <main> DBG-X: parameter Success = false
[2018-11-30 09:15:24 PST] <main> ERROR: ERROR ITMS-90717: "Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in '' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel."
[2018-11-30 09:15:24 PST] <main> DBG-X: The error code is: 1102
[2018-11-30 09:15:24 PST] <main> INFO: Done performing authentication.
[2018-11-30 09:15:24 PST] <main> DBG-X: Returning 1
2018-11-30 09:15:24.682 altool[44355:11774320] Out:
Package Summary:
1 package(s) were not uploaded because they had problems:
/var/folders/35/nx43fs8567l9z_wvvpc35snh0000gn/T/F9A04D7C-5790-412E-A2CC-F768CBB57D87/1445194961.itmsp - Error Messages:
ERROR ITMS-90717: "Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in '' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel."
2018-11-30 09:15:24.737 altool[44355:11774302] *** Error: Errors uploading 'AppAssionato.ipa': (
"Error Domain=ITunesTransporterErrorDomain Code=-18000 \"ERROR ITMS-90717: \"Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in '' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel.\"\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=ERROR ITMS-90717: \"Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in '' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel.\", NSLocalizedDescription=ERROR ITMS-90717: \"Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in '' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel.\", NSLocalizedFailureReason=ERROR ITMS-90717: \"Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in '' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel.\"}"