I'm getting an error attempting to compile "Hello World".
I expect that I may have messed up the installation somehow - but I can't see where!
Compiling code. 0.015625
Generating R file. 0
Compiling generated Java code. Error
Method not found: 'Boolean System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Int32)'.
Interestingly - I also get the same error when doing "Restart ADB server" - this still appears to kill the adb daemon, though not restart it.
IDE appears to otherwise work, B4PPC also works fully on this PC. I originally had .NET 2sp1, then installed .NET 3.5 just in case.
SDK and emulator were already installed (following all instructions) and works fine. Using a 2.2, API 8 avd. Paths are set in B4a and SDK tools folder is also added to system path, as recommended in the SDK install.
Running command line "adb devices" shows the emulator connected. However the daemon normally has to be started, either first time or after restart in B4a IDE.