Hello Erel.
I don't know what happen ...
I have tried to do build and I have got those errors...
After I have tried to upload to AppStore, I can't do build...
Please help.
Thanks again.
Erel, it was a long delay between the question that I have asked you to the answer that my brother sent me.
He just came from work.
I'm sorry.
I bought this full pack of b4i with 1 year PC emulator (he do not need to buy Mac) to my brother and he tries to write a program to iPhone.
I also bought him in the past, B4a and he wrote a lot of programs and it was ok.
I'm helping him with English because it is difficult for him.
The answer for your question is yes.
I have also upload 2 photos that he sent me.
What to do now?
Thanks again for your help.
New problem:
How can I restore archive.zip ?
My brother told me that after trying to upload to AppStore, something go wrong and now he need to start from beginning .
And now he need to restore or create a new archive.zip.
What can he do?
At first, he load the application to the iPhone not as runtime app.
If he had an error, he fixed it and run it again.
Few days ago, he made something that corrupt something.
In order to check an app on his iPhone, he needs to transform it to runtime file and only then he can view it on his device.
I hope that I explained this issue good.
Can you know why it happens?
The solution is always the same. Delete all keys, revoke the certificates in the developer console and create new ones as explained in the tutorial: Creating a certificate and provisioning profile