I am getting the following error after upgrading my SQL Lib. I have obviously missed something.
Could not load file or assembly "System.Date.SQLlite, Version= Culture=neutral, Publikey The system connot find the file specified.
I assume it has to do with the native assembly, but what needs to be done.
It this on the desktop or on the device?
See this page about the files required when deploying SQL: Basic4ppc SQL library reference (the compiler should copy the files to the folder automatically).
Please go to Basic4ppc folder (by default: c:\Program Files\Anywhere Softawre\Basic4ppc Desktop).
Check the size of System.Data.SQLite.dll which is located in this folder. It should be 820kb. Its date should be 3/24/2009.
.NET enforces strict version control for programs or libraries that have a Strong Name, that is those that are protected by a Public Key. The SQLite libraries do have strong names so the SQLDevice and SQLDesktop libraries will only run with the specific version of SQLite thay are compiled against and not earlier or later versions.