He visto algunas aplicaciones con el framework de Banano, y me pareció ver un locahost. ¿Es posible crear una aplicacion tipo PHP cliente servidor?
Si es así me encantaría saberlo.
Un cordial saludo y como siempre gracias.
B4J v2.00 adds support for web applications based on WebSocket technology. With WebSocket The browser and the server maintain an open communication channel. This channel allows us to build web apps where all (or most) of the logic is implemented in the server. The new framework is implemented...
Starting from B4J v2.00 the server can listen to two ports, the standard insecure port (http) and a secure port (https). The default port for http is 80 and for https is 443. These ports are used when the url doesn't explicitly specify a port number. It is recommended to go over the Wikipedia...