B4J Question Escaping characters in JSON


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I have two B4J applications
One puts a questionnaire into JSON and that gets posted to the other one which is a webserver.
The other one then extracts the contents from the JSON and displays the questionnaire to visitors.
The questions in the questionnaires are written by users not by me.
The problem I came across yesterday was when someone put an ampersand into the text of a question

Everything seems to work fine on the client side

Log(Text)  ' looks OK, text includes ,"questiontext":"What is 2 & 2"}

job2.Initialize("Job2", Me)

job2.PostString(FullUrl & "/questionnaireupload",Text)

But on the server side

Dim squestionnaireupload As String = req.GetParameter("questionnaire")

log(squestionnaireupload )  'terminates in ,"questiontext":"What is 2

And as soon as you try to parse it you get the following error
org.json.JSONException: Unterminated string at character 284 of {"questionnairename etc

Do I need to escape characters on the client side before sending or is there something else I need to do?
If escaping of characters is required, is there a list somewhere of the ones that need to be escaped.
I saw one such list online but it did not include the ampersand in it.
Thanks for any help.


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Thanks Erel.
On the client side Log(text) gives :

On the server side Log(req.GetParameter("questionnaire")) gives:

There's a space after the 2 at the end.
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If you control the client and the server then move all parameters to the json string and set the content type to application/json.

You should then read the payload with:
 Dim jp As JSONParser
   Dim data() As Byte = Bit.InputStreamToBytes(req.InputStream)
   jp.Initialize(BytesToString(data, 0, data.Length, "UTF8"))

Otherwise you need to properly build an application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding payload and escape the ampersands.
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Thanks very much, Erel, I'll do as you suggest.

Later Edit: This is to confirm that what Erel said to do, fixed the problem.
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