B4R Question ESP32 change the BT class/Power


Licensed User
Longtime User
i have a big problem and need urgent help

Inside my project i use BT-Communication with a Android-Device as user-panel.
All was tested and ok, the electronic-board was produced and ready.
Afte live-installing i see that the communication breaks by a distance of 80 cm.
( I need 1,5 m :-(( )

I know that the the ESP32 can work in Class 2 and 1,
but how can i change the power to Class 2 ????????????

I hope there is a way,
thanks for any help.

kind regards


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello Gerd,

BT class1 ist the class with the most TX power.
Even with BT class 3, the 1.5 m you need shouldn't be a problem.
So i think there is a problem with electronic design (antenna design).
I hope you have not a ground layer under the ESP-antenna.
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