Good afternoon, I would like starting a new project with a board: "Fafeicy ESP8266 10A WIFI ESP-01S DC 5V". Link below.
I have used B4A and B4J in several Apps for private and commercial usages. However, I have never used B4X and I am confused. I have also used "Cebek" boards with relays but without programming.
My question is linked to know if is possible to make an App for management the board from an android phone sending the order to activate or turn off the relay of this board. I’ve been researching on the forum and it looks like that B4X is compatible with the ESP8266 micro, but I’ve never used it. I don’t know to start.
Would I have to do the App with B4A for the phone interface, and to develop something with B4X for the board or… is it all done with B4X? Can it be done without using any broker type "mosquitto mqtt broker"? I want to communicate directly with the board because I always will be in the same wifi network (I don’t want to handle it from outside my Lan).
I’m waiting for your help to start the project. I wish know some references, examples or codes with the same boad of this type to get started it. Thank you very much. Have a good day.